Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Sorry. So busy to make posting. Managed to drop 1kg. Hahaaha... I must admit that for the last 2 weeks since I started the diet, most days i kantoi. But the hungers not there anymore. Hopefully by the end of december, some tangible result will be seen.

Friday, October 24, 2008

DAY 9 (24/10/08 - FRI)

Dieting as usual. No hunger pang.

DAY 8 (23/10/08 - THU)

Another day gone by. Hectic day with two funerals on the row. I simply skip the diet but remain to count the days though.

DAY 7 (22/10/08 - WED)

I eat more than what is permitted.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

DAY 6 (21/10/08-TUE)

As usual but took another packet of JDM5 before sleep. Maybe i will be more determined after 2day.

Monday, October 20, 2008

DAY 5 (20/10/08-MON)

My diet routine - as usual.
Verdict : No hunger until around 4pm ( 3hrs after taking JDM5)

Petua Dr Rozmey:
dlm pengamalan diet seimbang, semua jenis diet 1. kaborhidrat, protein dan lemak..mestilah diamalkan dlm pecahan asal, namun dlm kuantiti yg kecil dan sebolehnya kuantiti yg kecil ini di pecahkan lagi kepada 4-5 pecahan,..bermula dgn sarapan pagi . Ini penting supaya perut anda tidak dibebani dgn penghasilan jumlah enzim yg extra , serta memberi imput lapar yang keterlaluan kepada hipotalamus,...pengambilan protei, lemak mudah dlm jumlah yg kecil byk membantu enzim usus memguna/ mencernanya dgn cekap dan pantas , tanpa risiko terbentuk lemak yg baru. Pengambilan kaborhidrat yg mudah dlm jumlah yg kecil , tapi kerap menolong sel-sel pancrease dari tekanan mengeluaran hormone insulin secara keterlaluan,..ini menjadikan badan dapat meningkatkan pengeluaran enzim utk mencerna / membakar lemak, anda mula sedar dengan amalan ini,..dibantu dengan 'fatburner' didalam JDM anda mampu membakar lemak sekurangnya 60 % sehari,...WAH ...pastinya anda teruja dan bersemangat utk terus amalankan diet yg seimbang ini.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

DAY 4 19/10/2008 (SUN)

Me...., a decade ago!!

Just to inspire me to be more discipline in my diet undertaking.....

Later i will certainly upload my ONCE UPON A TIME OF ME + RECENTLY + NOW pictures!

Sunday usually synonnym with "jalan2 cari makan". But 2day i just stayed home.

Breakfast : Small portion of fried mee + half boiled eggs + 3 makmur (couldnt resist)

1pm : 1 packet JDM5

Updates later.

Day 3 (18/10/2008-SAT)

Contrary to my earlier posts that i might over-eating 2nite, to my surprise i couldnt hardly finish the foods i've taken. So its true that JDM5 does kill one's appetitte to eat. Everthing seems tasteless. But still - i eat more than what i was supposed to eat.
( I am standing 3 from left, dark blue baju kurung - look not so fat huh? picutre trick!! )

Breakfast - Hanya sempat minum beberapa gelas air kosong. Tidak terasa lapar.

Jam 1pm minum JDM5. Rehatkan perut selama 2 jam tapi sekitar jam 3p perut dah lapar. So i makan nasi sedikit + ikan bakar seekor + kuah sup ikan + 2-3 potong terung.

Actually.. i dont really consider 2day as my third day because i eventually knew its going to be a failed day. I am attending an Open Raya House at my sister's house later in the evening and you know what happen when you were surrounded by foods n friends??? n eat and eat.

Friday, October 17, 2008

DAY 2 (17/10/2008)

Breakfast as usual. Taking JDM5 at 12pm. My Day totally ruined. I m not hungry but still i craved for food????

( i am not her - putting here for motivation purposes)

Well - Day 2 and Day 3 don't count. I m taking it as a day off. Tommorow is my Sister Raya Open House. Cater by Hyatt. How the hell can i resist not to eat those delicious culinary. However, i will eat moderately.
Is it only happen to me? Being kantoi....?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Updates verdict : I m not hungry but has taken extra foods than expected coz i have to take medicine for my cough + antibiotic

Today, 16/10/2008 i started my much anticipated lose-those-extra-pound mission. My weight at the moment is ranging between 60-62kg depending on my eating behaviour of the day. I took breakfast as suggested by Dr Rozmey.

  • breakfast - sedikit nasi (not to upset my gastric) and no coffee ( really a challenge for me. I m addicted to caffeine) - 800 kalori. No calorie food intake 2 hours before taking JUS MATE 5 as my lunch
  • around 1pm - lunch time with 1 packet of JDM5. Shake well before consume. No calorie food intake 2 hours after taking JDM5....aha...matailah begini. Later i updated if i forget my hunger.

Off to work!

  • dinner mee hun soup

Ooopps! I think my Day 1 debunk! I ate extra because i need to take medicine.



So tommorow i can start my mission to lose 9kg!
But of course what i need most is your support and GOD willing... by the end of 2008 - there will be a new figure me...wakaka.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008




Sarapan Pagi
Sebungkus nasi harga 50 sen atau satu pingang kecil mee / meehun atau atau 2 keping roti disapu majerin @ mentega @ jem
Segelas air
800 Kcal


Makan Malam
Sup sayur / tomyam ( mangkuk kecil) + sebiji buah + segelas air
150 kcal

Minum malam
Secawan air dan sekeping biscut
50 kcal



Sarapan Pagi
Sebungkus nasi harga 50 sen atau satu pingang kecil mee / meehun atau 2 keping roti disapu majerin @ mentega @ jem
Segelas air

600 Kcal


Makan malam
Sup sayur / tomyam ( mangkuk kecil) + sebiji buah + segelas air
200 kcal

Minum malam

Keperluan tenaga anda yang selebihnya ( 1800Kcal hingga 2800 Kcal) didapati dari pembakaran lemak oleh sel-sel yang diaktifkan oleh Jus Mate 5.


Jus Diet Mate 5 merupakan satu revolusi baru di dalam produk diet di mana formula yang ditemui begitu effektif di dalam mengatasi masalah kegemukan.Jus Diet Mate 5 formula hebat! Mengawal selera makan, menghalang pembentukkan lemak, mengurangkan pengambilan gula, meningkatkan kadar metabolisma dan menukarkan kabohidrat kepada tenaga yang merupakan 5 faktor utama di dalam pengurusan berat badan.

Ramuan-Ramuan Utama Jus Diet Mate 5:

1. Garcinia Cambogia (HCA)

Hydroxycitric Asid (HCA) yang terdapat daripada buahan Garcinia Cambogia sangat berkesan untuk menghalang pembetukkan lemak disamping bertindak mengaktifkan badan untuk menukar karbohidrat kepada tenaga dan bukannya lemak. Ianya juga begitu berkesan untuk bertindak mengawal selera makan.

Kebaikan Garcinia Cambogia:

Berkesan mengurangkan berat badan
Menghalang selera makan
Menghalang pembentukan lemak
Mengurang kolesterol
Menambahkan tenaga
HCA dalam garcinia combogia amat berkesan menahan kegemukan selepas memiliki berat badan idaman
Merawat masalah kemurungan, susah tidur, migraine, gastrik, kencing manis, darah tinggi.

2. Hoodia Gardoni

Kebaikan Hoodia Gardoni:

Mengurangkan selera (tidak ingat makan langsung selama lebih 24 jam!!!)
Berkesan dalam mengurangkan pengambilan kalori
Memberi tenaga tambahan
Semulajadi dan selamat untuk diamalkan

Herba ini dihasilkan daripada pokok Kaktus dari Afrika.

3. Guar Gum

Merupakan juga ramuan yang diperkaya dengan fiber.

Kebaikan Guar Gum:

Memberi rasa kenyang
Bertindak baik bagi mencuci usus
Membuang lemak, glukos dan racun dari usus
Menyihatkan usus
Menyihatkan jantung
Mengatasi masalah stroke

4. L-Carnitine
5. Inulin
Satu ramuan yang diperkayakan dengan fiber daripada buah-buahan. Rasa yang manis tetapi tidak diserap kedalam badan.Kebaikan L-Carnitine:

Bagus untuk kencing manis
Memberi tenaga tambahan
Meningkatkan kadar metabolisme badan

6. Soy Protein

Soy protein adalah sumber daripada protein lengkap tanpa kolesterol menggantikan protein haiwan.Kebaikan L-Carnitine:

6. Soy Protein
Ramuan tanpa kolesterol
bagus untuk penjagaan jantung
Soy protein melancarkan kitar haid dan kesuburan wanita


Encik Azman sebelum 107.5kg

Selepas 99.9kg

( Hajjah Rogayah. Sebelum 69kg, selepas 2 bulan 53kg)
( Azlin Turun 20 kg dalam 30 hari dengan JDM5 )

(Suzana - Selepas 190 kg. Gambar bawah sebelum 230lg)


Most people claimed that life's actually start at 40!!!

But to me it proves otherwise.

Especially in the weight department.

For the last 3 years I’ve been fighting weight gain but to no avail. Taking slimming pills to exercising (but later loses the drives) and so on.

What I hate most is when I look at my recently taken pictures that strikes on me crying FAT! FAT! FAT!

How can I live with such cruel misery implicated only to my species called women.

I used to be slim and (consider) to be beautiful by a few eyes beholder, and as vain as I am, I wanted to stay that way as long as possible. Who doesn’t anyway?

By the way I am 42. My height is 5’3 and weighted 61.5 kg. For my height and age I should be at least 9 kg lighter.
Not only for vanity reason but for my health as well.
And mind you, I certainly don’t like the reflection I saw when I look at the mirror just now. I desperately need to do something ASAP or bye...bye love... my figure will depreciates downhill.
The reflection in the mirror will never lies and it prompt me to place an order to buy 3 boxes of the ever so popular JUS DIET MATE 5 (JDM5) by Dr.Che Rozmey Che Din. I told myself that it will be my last sacrifices to beautify my body and along with it to increased my health for JDM5 claimed to improved many health problems also.
So wish me luck. I will update my progress when i started my weight-loss programmed.
Actually I am tempted to upload my BEFORE self but no, I will safe it for later when i got the NOW body.
3 months give and take - there will be a new me selling you JUS DIET MATE 5, and if it proven effective, there are no reason you – who think you, deserved to be slim and healthy won’t buy it. Aha....

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